Barningham Parish Meeting

Barningham Parish Meeting normally meets at least twice a year: an annual general meeting in spring and an ordinary meeting in autumn to discuss parish finance, set the precept for the coming financial year and determine tenancy of the parish-owned Bull Acre. Other meetings may be called if required.

All electors living in the parish are members of the Meeting and are welcome to attend and contribute to discussions; all electors have equal voting rights.

The 2022-23 finance meeting was held on Tuesday November 29th 2022.

The 2023 AGM was held on Wednesday April 26th 2023.

We are expecting a decision in June from Durham County Council on our application for extended parish meeting powers (click on the links below to see it and the subsequent DCC draft order).

BPM application

Parish Meeting Draft s.109 Order

For details of how the parish meeting operates go to the Parish Meeting Roles and Rules page.

To see the latest treasurer’s report and finance statements go to the Parish Meeting Finance page.

If you have issues you want to raise now with parish meeting officials, please contact us  – details below.

Minutes of recent meetings:

2022 Special and Ordinary Meeting Minutes

2022 AGM minutes

2021 Special and Ordinary Meeting Minutes (1)

BPM AGM May 27 2021 Minutes

2020 Special Meeting Minutes (1)

BPM AGM 2019 mins

2018 Special Meeting Minutes (November 27 2018)

2018 AGM minutes (April 24th 2018)

2017 Special and Ordinary Meeting Minutes (November 28 2017)

Minutes of Special Meeting on Milbank Arms 24 October 2017 

2017 AGM minutes (April 25 2017)

2016-agm-minutes (AGM April 2016)

special-meeting-minutes-march-2016 (Bull Acre March 2016)

2015-special-and-ordinary-meeting-minutes (Finance November 2015)

2015 AGM minutes (AGM April 2015)

BPM (Finance meeting November 2014)

AGM (AGM April 2014)

Finance documents

See the finance page for 2019 audit and 2020 finance documents

Variance Statement 2018-19

Final Bal stat. 2018-19

Expend over £100

BPM AGAR Cert of Exemption 2018-19

Bank Reconciliation

Asset Register 2018-19

BPM AGAR A_C statement 2018_19

BPM AGAR Gov statement 2018_19

BPM AGAR Int Audit 2018_19

Village Hall policy documents

Current policies relating to equal opportunities, health and safety, child protection and vulnerable adults can be found on the Village Hall page.

Wind Turbine:

Documents relating to the proposed wind turbine at High Leazes:

2-PAC PC Barningham Parish meeting letter 09.09.15

5-PAC Site plan

6-PAC Turbine Elevation


Chairman: Jon Smith, Heath House, Barningham, Richmond, N/Yorks DL11 7DU. Telephone 01833 621374, Email

Clerk: Robin Brooks, Park View, Barningham, Richmond, N/Yorkshire DL11 7DW. Telephone 01833 621203. Email

Treasurer: Phil Hunt, Ivy Cottage, Barningham, Richmond, N/Yorkshire DL11 7DU. Telephone 01833 621253. Email




  1. Barningham Parish Meeting