Oil Co-op

Barningham and Newsham operate a joint heating oil co-operative, ordering oil in bulk approximately every two months. We currently have around 50 members..

Typical savings in recent months have been in the region of 4p a litre — a saving of up to £40 for anyone filling a 2,000-litre tank.

It works like this:

We contact you about a week before the proposed delivery date and ask if you would like to order some oil, and if so, how much. The minimum amount per household is 500 litres. You don’t have to order every time (or any time) if you don’t want to and you are of course free to order oil independently at any other time if you wish.

We collate the orders and contact oil companies who might be interested in supplying us, asking for their best price and delivery dates for the total amount of oil required. We then choose the best option – usually the cheapest – and place the order. You will be advised who is the chosen supplier, the price, and when to expect delivery.

The oil will then arrive. You will be invoiced individually by the company after delivery.

Please note:

** You must have space in your tank to take the quantity of oil you order or you may be charged for any excess even though it will not have been delivered.

** You will probably be expected to pay the full amount after each delivery (no spread-it-over-the-year direct debits) and there may be a small surcharge if you pay by credit card rather than cheque.

** The co-op will not handle money, issue invoices or deal with invoice problems. Any member whose invoice is not paid in accordance with the suppliers’ terms will not be able to order oil again through the co-op until the balance is paid in full.

Want to join? Just fill in a membership form (click on link below) giving us contact details and information about tank capacity, access, etc.

If you have any queries please contact the administrator, Wilf Wrigley on 01833 621309, email wilfwrigley@outlook.com

Application form

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